Friday, February 5, 2016

Introduction to Motivation

Employees motivation may be defined at the state and individual changes to their psychological conditions which represents the strength as a result of their previous and current experience. Motivation is the reasons for applying for the class of such term as purpose, goal, drives, desires, attitudes; recognition, needs, wishes, and incentive are commonly used. A motivate prompts people to act and science in a certain way. In a business to exert high of effort reaches organizational goals in the setting of organizations.

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According to Prof. R. W. Griffin. “Motivation is the set of forces that cause people to behave in certain ways.”
According to S. P. Robbins, “Motivation is the willingness to exert high levels of effort to reach organizational goals, conditioned by the effort’s ability to satisfy some individual need.”

According to Prof. Weihrich and Koontz, “Motivation is a general term applying to the entire class of drives, desires, needs, wishes, and similar forces.” 


Motivation is the set of forces that cause individual changing to behave in certain ways. Therefore, motivation represents as an important to case business organization. However, motivation becomes effective when it fulfills the following characteristics:
  • Man is the key point
  • Continuous process
  • Drive force of human behavior
  • Continuous process
  • Human want is the basis of motivation
  • Main support of moral development
  • Essential part of management function
  • Necessary element of modern management
  • Influence of different mentality
  • Motivation may be positive or negative
  • Motivation for frustrated person


Motivation occurs without using any business organization. It relies on various motivations likes an individual, needs, desires, and concepts that cause him or her to act in a particular manner. Some important points expressing the importance of motivation are below:
  • Optimum utilization of human resources
  • Development of high morale
  • Maximum use of manpower
  • Increase in efficiency
  • Maximum use of other factors
  • Creation of eagerness to work
  • Increasing production
  • Reducing labor- turnover
  • Cordial labor- management relationship
  • Aid to job satisfaction
  • Aid to attaining co-ordination and control
  • Establishment fair labor- management relation 
  • Attaining and flexibility and
  • Initiative a development

Motivation cycle

The motivation process refers to the cycle through which motivation takes an individual need, desire, attitudes, concepts, etc. In details, the motivation process consists of following the cycle:
  • Inquiring the needs of employees
  • Recognizing needs
  • Indemnification of motivation
  • Considering organization ability
  • Taking an inspirational program
  • Application of motivators
  • Acquiring job satisfaction

Various motivation techniques

It is very difficult to identify the exact of motivation technique. In actual instigate, there many various motivation techniques depending on the objectives of conducting motivational. However, the commonly found motivation in organization re below:

Financial means of motivation
  • Proper salary
  • Profit sharing
  • Financial security
  • Bonus
  • Advance and loan
  • House allowance
  • Transport facilities
  • Ration facilities
  • Commission on sale
  • Medicare allowance
  • Canteen facilities
  • Education facilities
  • Insurance and provident fund facilities
Non- financial means of motivation
  • Personal power and rights
  • Proper working environment
  • Opportunity for participation in management
  • Recognition of works
  • Good behavior to sub-ordinates
  • Responsibility and authority
  • Recognition of trade union
  • Efficient supervision
  • Opportunity for expressing opinion
  • Encouraging creativity
  • Recreation facilities
  • Training facilities


Though employee motivation provides many advantages to the organization. It is not free limited. Its main limitations are below
  • Individual need variations
  • Variations in efficiency and experience
  • Variation in employee mentality
  • Hierarchical differences
  • Difference of superiors and subordinates
  • Influence of trade union
  • Injustice and nepotism
  • Inflexible attitude

Ways of Removing limitation of employee motivation

The effective functioning of an organization significantly depends on the proper and effective use of employee motivation. To take employee motivation solving, attention must be given to the following aspect:
  • Eagerness of executives to motivation
  • Creating opportunity of employee development
  • Introducing effective motivation procedure
  • Creating interest to future prosperity
  • Focusing importance on democratic leadership technique
  • Developing industrial relationships
  • Establishing organization image