Friday, February 5, 2016

Span of management

Factors limiting effecting span of Management

  • Time and ability of an executive
  • Time available for supervision
  • Mental capacity and personal adaptability
  • Layers of management
  • Complex of working environment
  • Nature of activities
  • Qualities of subordinates
  • Disadvantages of specialization
  • Adverse effect on morale

The importance of determining the optimum span of management

  • Proper utilization of executive’s energy and ability
  • Effective communication
  • Easy co-ordination
  • Effective supervision
  • Easy controls, creating proper working environment
  • Aid to flourishing personality

Factors to be considered in determining the optimum span of management

  • Nature of management work
  • Time available for management
  • Time allocated for supervision
  • Efficiency and authority of executive
  • Capacity of superior
  • Quality of subordinates
  • Attitude of subordinates
  • Location of subordinates
  • Benefits of using a specialist
  • The opportunity of using standardized
  • Degree of decentralization and delegation
  • The opportunity of using staff assistance
  • Nature of communication system
  • Relative importance of supervisory payroll
  • The nature of management, controlling